
While many of our subsidiary companies have been active in the belting industry for more than a century, the Ammeraal Beltech story begins with one extraordinary new baking belt capable of high performance in extreme conditions, developed for the Bakery Industry by Thomas Ammeraal in 1950.

On the strength of this innovative product, he founded Ammeraal. In 1964, the company expanded beyond Dutch borders, opening operations in Germany; more countries soon followed. In 1990, the company became part of Gamma Holding, and it was Gamma that later acquired Verseidag AG and merged its belting subsidiary with Ammeraal to form Ammeraal Beltech. In 2008, AB acquired the Danish modular belting company uni-chains A/S.

In 2015, Advent International, a private equity firm, acquired Ammeraal Beltech.

In 2018, Partners Group, also a private equity firm, acquired Ammeraal Beltech.

In December 2018, Ammeraal Beltech and Megadyne joined under single ownership and leadership to create a true global leader in belting: AMMEGA


BDI was founded in Cleveland, Ohio in 1935, is a global company experienced in developing and deploying custom distribution and supply chain solutions for our customers. From 200+ locations in 12 countries, BDI serves multiple industries.

BDI CHINA (full name is BDI (Tianjin) Bearing Co., Ltd) is the wholly owned subsidiary of BDI and is one of the best strategic partners of Ammeraal Beltech. Large stock allows us to provide you with best price and quick delivery.


Send Inquiries and Contact Now: marketing2@bdichina.com

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