
BDI Services

BDI Service Objective

The right part

At the right time

At the lowest total cost

BDI Cost Saving Project

Assist in managing inventory on BDI assigned commodities

Application upgrade and design for cost saving

Periodic training to the customer

Productivity enhancements and life extend for cost saving

Global centralized purchasing for cost saving

Interchange OEM items to industry standards

BDI Circle of Services

临猗县| 洮南市| 晋宁县| 华池县| 浑源县| 额济纳旗| 满洲里市| 阿尔山市| 石河子市| 尼玛县| 大姚县| 上栗县| 个旧市| 永修县| 浏阳市| 延津县| 信阳市| 肃南| 建平县| 北碚区| 玉溪市| 尼玛县| 宁强县| 健康| 兴仁县| 江孜县| 水城县| 宜君县| 桓台县| 吉安市| 博乐市| 贡山| 郁南县| 布拖县| 德格县| 原阳县| 天水市| 洮南市| 盈江县| 印江| 互助|